The Green Bronx Machine Mobile Classroom Kitchen #GBMMCK

We are always proud of our products and what we build to help others, but the #GBMMCK is truly going to change the future of the planet.

Our Mobile Classroom Kitchen is not only educating children worldwide about nutrition & food, it's also feeding them while teaching them how to feed themselves.

We designed and built the #GBMMCK for our dear friend Stephen Ritz who has taken his passion and enthusiasm for making a difference in his own community to a world-wide level of impact and  change starting with the people who matter most - THE CHILDREN!

Have a look at this video to learn more about the #GBMMCK - in less than 3 minutes you'll understand why the kids adore him & why this product is BEYOND fantastic!

If you'd like to order one for your school or business, please feel free to contact us directly at // 905.542.8762.